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Sunday, December 29, 2019

Wheelchair Users Can Sometimes Walk ! #AmbulatoryWheelchairUsersExist !

Ambulatory Wheelchair Users Stand Up!!

"You mean you can walk?!!??"
"Yes, there are many wheelchair users who can walk. I can walk, but it is extremely painful most of the time."

There are many people who use wheelchairs to get around, but use other mobility devices - like a cane or a walker at other times. Here is a great video by one wheelchair user that explains why some times he chooses to roll, and other times he chooses to try to walk with a crutch or cane.

Why I Use a Wheelchair Even Though I Can Walk

When I do not use a wheelchair, my feet, and ankles are in incredible pain most of the time. By using a wheelchair, I am not in as much pain and can:
  • focus on what you are saying better
  • be less tired 
  • be less stressed, and
  • think more clearly, as I'm not having to push past the pain to function.
I discovered the hashtag #AmbulatoryWheelchairUsersExist in a comment on Youtube by this vlogger who made a great video explaining why ambulatory people use wheelchairs.

Why Not Use a Wheelchair All The Time

In the above videos, there are some excellent reasons given as to why sometimes wheelchair users choose to use a cane or other mobility device. Sometimes I don't use the wheelchair because:
  • it's a pain in the butt - literally, but actually more the hip
  • my muscles need exercise
  • sometimes it's more practical to put up with the pain
So, any suggestions on how ambulatory wheelchair users can deal with people who just don't seem to understand?
Please drop a comment below and help us take a stand!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for popping by!
    If you're on Twitter you can Tweet Me @Sister_Su too!
